Map tools

The e4 map on this page uses Google maps API and the functionality, for the most part, is the same. Additional features provide information specific to the E4 Path.

Using the Navigation Controls


Navigation controls

The navigation controls you see are shown on the left. Navigation controls include:

1. Arrows - Click the appropriate arrow buttons to move the view north, south, east or west.
2. Zoom - Click + to zoom in on the center of the map. Click - to zoom out.
3. Zoom slider - Drag the zoom slider up or down to zoom in or out incrementally.





Map Views

1. Map - This shows a map with a traditional depiction of roads, parks, borders, bodies of water and more.
2. Satellite - This shows aerial imagery.
3. Hybrid - This shows both Map & Satellite
4. Terrain - This shows physical elevation as shaded relief and elevation lines. It also includes street names and other information.
5. E4 - This shows a more detailed view of the E4 area & local region. Depending on your elevation (zoom level) different information is displayed.

E4 path and contents

The Route

By default a polyline of the E4 path is shown in yellow. Moving your cursor over a segment of the path will display that route in orange. The name of the route is displayed in the lower right corner of the map.

Clicking on a segment of the path will take you to a detail page of that route.





Map Legend & Options

The legend to the right (below-right on detail pages) provides additional features for the maps.

Points of interest

Selecting points of interest (Archeaological sites, Churches, Caves, Mountains) will display markers for the relative points on the maps.

Route list

You may select one or more paths to be diplayed on the map. Additionally you may clear the map of all paths or choose to select them all. Clicking the DISPLAY PATH button executes the command.


The search box gives you the ability to find the content you are most interested in quickly. Use one or more words & combinations to find the content you are looking for. Click on the FIND button to see the results.

Browse by route

Takes you to the browse page where all content is displayed by route & catgeory.

Advanced search

You may also use the advanced search tool to make your searches more precise and get more useful & specific results.



Points of interest

Clicking on the marker will display an infowindow with available information about that specific point. Some information provided may include: Name, Type, along with Latitude and Longitude coordinates that can be used with personal GPS units.